Mandatory Arrival Date:
You are required to arrive in the U.S. by no later than the program start date listed on your I-20. For Summer 2025, the program start date is Monday, May 19th, 2025.
Summer Orientation:
ISSO's Summer Welcome Program will be held in May. Official date coming soon.
Undergraduate students are required to attend orientation, so please make travel plans accordingly.
Summer Enrollment Requirements:
As an international student, you are required to be enrolled full-time in order to maintain your student status.
For summer, full-time enrollment is 6 credits and only one online course, not to exceed 3 credits, can count toward your full-time enrollment.
It can be difficult to find in-person, first year courses during the summer term. For this reason, we strongly recommend being fully enrolled in the courses you plan to take prior to arriving in the U.S.
If you are unable to meet the enrollment requirements for starting in the summer term do to unavailability of classes, we strongly recommend deferring your program start to fall.