Home About Us Meet Our Staff Meet Our Staff Explore This Section About Us Our Mission Meet Our Staff Assessment Student Fact Sheet Elliot Uhl Interim DirectorInternational Student Advisor for:College of Veterinary MedicineHe/HimEmail: euhl@iastate.edu Deb Vance Assistant Director International Scholar and Employee Advisor for Aspen, Dogwood, Fir, Hickory, Juniper, and Redwood. Email: dvance@iastate.edu Gene Manhattan International Student AdvisorInternational Student Advisor for:Ivy College of BusinessCollege of DesignCollege of Health and Human SciencesUndergraduate Exchange He/TheyEmail: geneman@iastate.edu David Sappenfield International Student AdvisorInternational Student Advisor for:College of Agriculture and Life SciencesCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Except Computer Science.He/HimEmail: dsapp@iastate.edu Elise Brandt International Student AdvisorInternational Student Advisor for:Most College of Engineering majors. Except mechanical, computer, electrical, and software engineering.She/HerEmail: ebrandt@iastate.edu Alejandro Martinez International Student AdvisorInternational Student Advisor for: College of Engineering majors of mechanical, electrical, computer and software engineeringHe/HimEmail: amartinz@iastate.edu Marcus Thompson International Student AdvisorInternational Student Advisor for:Graduate CollegeInterdepartmental and Interdisciplinary majorsNon-DegreeCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences majors of Computer Science Email: marcust@iastate.edu Jessica Fincham Senior Immigration Specialist International Scholar and Employee Advisor for Ames National Laboratory, Birch, Pine, Spruce, and Sycamore. She/Her Email: jfincham@iastate.edu Karen Clement International Scholar Liaison Processes scholar Cystart requests, conducts scholar check-ins, and troubleshoots. She/Her Email: kclement@iastate.edu Becca Duncan International Orientation and Pre-Arrival Coordinator She/Her Email: brduncan@iastate.edu Jenna Haffner International Student Engagement CoordinatorThey/ThemEmail: jenweber@iastate.edu Shahryar Khan ISSO Technology and Systems Analyst He/Him Email: mkhan1@iastate.edu Anna Powell International Student and Scholar Advisor Completes Form I-9 process, provides tax assistance, and assists with related employment issues. She/Her Email: anna17@iastate.edu Chelsea Knedler International Students and Scholars AssistantShe/HerEmail: cknedler@iastate.edu