Required Check-In


All new scholars must attend a Scholar Check-in Session with the International Students and Scholars Office. Separate sessions are offered for unpaid and paid scholars. Paid scholars are those individuals who will be compensated via the Iowa State University payroll. Scholars receiving a stipend or per diem should attend the unpaid session.


Sessions are held every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and last for approximately one hour. Those scholars not on the Iowa State payroll (unpaid) will attend the first session, starting at 8:45am. Scholars paid through the Iowa State University payroll will attend the second session, which starts promptly at 10:15am.

These sessions are group check-ins. Scholars that arrive after the scheduled start will be asked to reschedule for the next available session.

If your visiting scholars regularly schedule their check-in sessions on their own, please make sure to inform them clearly of whether they are paid or unpaid.


Scholars must register online through SignUpGenius to attend a check-in session. Unpaid scholars can register here. Paid scholars can register here.